The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA)

Contracted to strengthen the Enterprise Risk Management at the agency. Develop and revise ERM policy, risk register and manual. Capacity building of the agency’s staff in the ERM area.

Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&Tec)

Developed and implemented an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework within the commission. This included: Conducting operational risk assessments across all divisions and locations, a suggested Risk Governance framework and Risk Culture improvements.

Point Lisas Nitrogen Limited (PLNL)

Point Lisas Nitrogen Limited (PLNL) is a privately-owned company which manufactures Anhydrous Ammonia in Trinidad and Tobago and is the owner of a world class production facility located in Point Lisas, in the central region of Trinidad: Engagement involved developing and facilitating a 2-day intense workshop on conducting Operational Risk Assessments and enhancing the risk and safety culture in a plant operations environment.


The Information Systems Audit and Control Association, ISACA now goes by its acronym only, to reflect the broad range of IT governance professionals it serves. KHBC’s engagement involved developing and facilitating a workshop for IT risk auditors, IT professionals, Internal Auditors on the Convergence of Information Technology and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM): including IoT and the role of ERM in cybersecurity.

Trinidad Generation Unlimited (TGU):

The 720-megawatt (MW) TGU facility is the largest combined-cycle power plant in the Caribbean and currently supplies approximately 50% of Trinidad & Tobago’s electrical energy. It is owned by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago (GoRTT) and is located at the Union Industrial Estate, La Brea. KHBC’s engagement involved the development and facilitation of several workshops and risk assessments on Procurement Risk Management and the conducting of Operational Risk Assessments

National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO)

Conducting Operational risk assessments of the high-risk departments of Finance, Engineering, Project Management and Procurement and Contract management. Major success included; redesigned process to reduce losses and near misses, identification and mitigation of risks associated with each line of business, reduced financial exposure to inherent and emerging risks, increased efficiency levels and lower operating costs.  Facilitated training workshops for executive management on ERM and its role in improving decision making capabilities. Developed and deployed key performance indicators (KPI’s) and key risk indicators (KRI’s) for the departments

Edwards and Partners LLC

Edwards and Partners is a boutique structural engineering firm headquartered in Miami, Florida. Conducted risk and vulnerability assessments at proposed construction sites and at completed projects to ensure compatibility with all applicable health and safety guidelines and to identify existing and emerging risk.

Agricultural Development Bank (ADB):

Developed and Implemented an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Framework at the ADB inclusive of risk charter and risk appetite policy documents.Conducted in-house training for the Board and senior management of the Agriculture Development Bank (ADB) on Enterprise Risk Management and Business Transformation (a risk-based approach). Conducted risk assessments of all branches and departments of the ADB, as part of the rollout of an ERM framework.

First Citizens Bank

Developed and facilitated workshops for Senior Management and Executive Management on:

1) Convergence of Risk and Ethics

2) Developing an enhanced Risk Culture

National Maintenance Training and Security Company Limited (MTS):

Developed and delivered in-house training on Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Business Continuity Planning (BCP) for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and executive managers

National Security; Trinidad and Tobago Police Service

Developed and facilitated workshops for First and Second Division Officers and Recruits of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) on Operational Risk, HSE risk and Crises Management

National Lottery Control Board

Conducted Operational Risk Assessments of all departments and locations of the National Lottery Control Board (NLCB) of Trinidad and Tobago including a Business Process Reengineering exercise with emphasis on the Finance/Accounts department.

Energy Industry: Various Companies

1) Worked as a visiting Risk Management Consultant for a tri-partite contract between NGC, ABT and SRG consultants. Conducted risk assessments at the proposed site for a planned NGC gas pipeline project located at the NGC/BP Beachfield facility

2) Operational Risk Consultant for Brown Co Engineering. Projects included: Petrotrin – Trinmar Operations. Designed offshore platform structures to accommodate risers and manifolds. Structures to be located in water depths from 60ft. to 85 ft.

3) Bayfield Energy; Nature of engagement –Prepare Area Classification Diagrams and design a Fire Suppression System for the offshore platforms.

4) Point Lisas Nitrogen Limited (PLNL): conducted training workshop on Risk culture and Operational Risk Management

Import and Export

Risk management and Business Process reengineering consultant for a small and medium size company (Vasha Foods and Fresh Farms Limited)


Business process reengineering and risk management consultant for Vasha Patties located in Freeport.