Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA)

Project Title – Consultancy for the strengthening of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) at the agency with a focus on improving staff competency in ERM.

Project Objective – To improve the public health of the Caribbean population and the sustainable development of the region.

Results – (1) Inception Report, ERM Policy, Revised Risk Registers, Revised Risk Appetite Statements and ERM Manual. (2) Improvement on the Agency’s risk intelligence.

Description of Service – During the various phases of the project, KHBC fulfilled all of the expected deliverables as per the Terms of Reference including educating members of staff as well as members of CARPHA’s Executive Management Team and Department Management Teams on the Risk Management ISO-13000 standard.

KHBC also utilized an assessment tool to assess the competency of participants in ERM pre and post course. KHBC was also able to completely fulfil the requirement of identifying major risks faced by CARPHA through surveys of key members of CARPHA stakeholders. Additional insight was also gained through the Deep Dive sessions of various CARPHA departments.

~Dr. Joy St. John, Executive Director, CARPHA